Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Section B; Language Discourses essay plan.

For English. 
Analyse both texts for lexis and semantic use; either comparing them both all the way through or writing about each text separately and comparing them in your conclusion. Use the PEED structure + relevant theory. 

3 paragraphs about text E.
3 paragraphs about text F.
& a paragraph to conclude.

In the first paragraph, do a GASP. e.g. Both texts express ideas and opinions on accents and language varieties, make sure you summarize both texts before you start, emphasising that they both express very different ideas about accents and dialects; include what you've learnt.

In all subsequent paragraphs, do your analysis on both texts, using PEED.
Picking out features and analysing them.

Include theories:
Giles – Capital punishment theory.
Trudgill – Attitudes to RP.
Rosewarne – Estuary English.
Petyt – Social class.
Jennifer Cheshire –Standard English.
Accomodation theory.
Convergence and Divergence.
People change their accents to seem more normal = e.g. Actors in Hollywood.

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