Wednesday 22 June 2011

- What is your view on language change? 

I think that language change is a necessity. It is needed to accommodate technological advances and new features that will come along with it - otherwise, there will be no terms to 'label' such new inventions. 

In addition, I think new variations of English are crucial in order for the younger generation to express their individuality, as everybody knows that, as years pass, generation gaps are widening due to language change although the language use by each generation generally defines their personality, either as an individual or a group of the same age.

The language used by the older generation for example, reflects their high morals and traditionalism - due to this, they often believe that the English language should remain pure; in contrast to this, the younger generation firmly believe that language change is good (which is also my opinion) because new words are needed in everyday life and will continue to be common in future years. 

- What do you think are the most important influences on language change? And why might this be the case?

The most important and significant influence on language change is the media. 

This is because everyone is affected by the media, it's universal... television, internet, radio, newspapers - they're everywhere, and people often consume them subconsciously, either when they're walking past or just glancing at something - as a result of this the media influences language incredibly, often using the latest 'terms' and 'cool colloquialisms' - which can also result in the older generation feeling isolated as they don't feel as if they're 'up to date'.

- Do you think some of the more recent additions to the language will survive? (e.g. peng, bare, butterz, mandem, bbm, cba, lol, i-phone, i-pad, smart phones, fraped ....etc). 

Personally, I think that a lot of these terms will die out in subsequent years as a lot of them are time specific to current products, i.e bbm. i-phone, i-pad. smart phones etc. 

The same case with words like peng, bare, butterz and mandem ; these words are just the latest adjectives to relate to the words - beautiful, loads, ugly and gang - which over years often develop new labels - I think that within the next year, these words will probably be replaced with similar words, but these current ones will no longer be in existence.

In relation to the acronyms cba & lol , I think that they will continue to be used in the future, as far as I'm concerned, they've been around for years, I mean, I remember using them when I was like, 12..  and I'm almost 18 now and they're still being used so they're obviously standing up well in the 'cool language' league. 

As for fraped, I'm unsure as to whether it'll survive, I mean,  I think Facebook will continue to be popular and the word 'fraped' obviously refers to when someone changes a friend's status without their permission - which will clearly continue to happen.. but the term may change,as it is only used by the younger generation anyway.. my parents (who actually have facebook accounts, may I add) are unaware of the term 'fraped'... maybe it'll survive, maybe not...

1 comment:

  1. Very thorough and detailed blog entries Melissa - these will serve you well for future reference and revision purposes next year!

    Your emphasis on the media ia an important one - it does often have universal appeal and can be incredibly influential on fashion trends and our language. It is often tricky to predict the time span of words as you never know what will happen. E.g. with the tecnhical product names, they may well stay around and become adpoted more permanently into the language, as long as there is still a use for them and that type of technology remains.
